Monday, January 26, 2009

Endoscopy is over and now on to others

The endoscopy went well other than a bit of a reaction(seizures) to one of the meds I was given. They donot know which med of the three I was given caused the seizures since they were all given simultaneously via IV. I am just hoping my next procedure that I am having this wednesday does not go the same way. I did talk to the Dr and he said he would use the old method of sedation instead of the way used last wednesday. I have had the upcoming procedure many times before using the old way and have had no problems at all. I will be allowed to take my meds this week though as one of them prevents my migraines and after the seizures I was gifted with one of the worst migraines I have had in years. I so do not want that to happen again. Will update as I can on Blogger, Twitter will of course be updated more often...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Road to pain free

For a few months now I have been having some severe abdominal pain. I had gone into the ER where a CT scan showed 5 spots, 2 in intestines, 1 in right kidney, 1 in liver and 1 on left ovary. The Ovary is a normal so I was not worried and now we know kidney is cysts which will be taken care of at a later date and liver is due to the kidney. I finally got into the GI last week and he is telling me the worry spot is the one past the stomach, he needs to go in and assess the damage so an endosopy will be done on the 21st of this month or wednesday this week. It is a simple 5 minute procdure with an hour recovery. Their only worries is my asthma which has a tendency to cause me to stop breathing during any thing that I have to be put under for and the endoscopy is one of those things. I am used to it by now but I don't think nurses ever get comfortable with it. I of course always have a few worries but know that all will be well and I will have my Best Friend with me holding my hand until I go back. She has always been and will always be my biggest supporter as I am with her.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's

This year is the first year we let Older one stay up to ring in the new year. I had talked to him about to see if he thought he was up for it and he jumped at the chance to stay up so late. (go figure) We had planned to junk out on snacks and play chess/checkers all night but dad had bought a new Wii game that just had to be played so we did one game of chess and I snacked while they tried to beat each other at Wii football. I did share with them when they looked away from the TV. At about 11:30 we turned on Dick Clark's rocking new years eve, lemme tell you it was very sad for me to see how much the great man had aged in just a few years. He used to be ageless then happened his stroke and the aging process began. I was happy to see that Dick was able to participate and thought he looked amazing considering, but in my mind I will always think of him as the ageless Dick Clark. Below is the only video I could find of it that wasn't too blurry/shaky.

As soon as the ball dropped we sent Oldest to bed and I sent myself to bed since I worked the next night. I woke up when the Littlest came into my room about 8am, oldest was in bed until 11am and hubby woke at about 12pm then napped when I did. All in all I think new years went well and the 1st was a great resting day.