Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I read this response on a blog recently and thought I would share it..The poster is anonymous. This is political so if you don't like to hear negative things don't read on.

Will I support Obama???? This is the United States of America.... He is not the type of leader our forefathers and their families have sacrificed themselves for... He didn't use the Holy Bible when he was sworn into Offices... He will not say the pledge of allegiance... He and his wife are racist... In HIS book, he stated there was a very influential father figure in the early years of his manhood...This FIGURE happens to be a radical racial extremest... Obama has since denounced this figure once the media had an opportunity to interview this great influential man... (funny huh)... His father was a radical Muslim, and a US hater... His family members have financially supported Radical Muslim Extreme Groups... He attended a radical Muslim school while over seas... Recently he went overseas to visit our troops... (after a great deal of pressure from his supporters) He DIDN'T acknowledge any of the US SOLDIERS while exiting his plane!!! He did however play in a prearranged basketball game ... I will not let you know what ethnic background of the players and spectators were.... While boarding HIS leased plane (painted with the O Logo, nothing stating the USA, America or even the American Flag) he walked right past the soldiers and officers serving this GREAT COUNTRY, (so people like you and I can go through our so called rough lives) He didn't even share a glance with them... Our jobs are important, but nothing can hold a candle to the bigger PICTURE... We are in a great deal of trouble but nothing compared to what our kids will face and endure if people like you and I don't stand up... Is McCain the answer??? I don't think he is...but he is our best choice... how can anyone judge his loyalty to this county and its citizens... how many of us can say we understand what he went through while a POW!!!!! NOT ME... he is proud to serve and will do what is best for the USA.... Will our problems be mended overnight or in our lifetime??? No, but we need to take baby steps before we can walk.... Sorry to ramble on... but I'm sick of ..... non loyalty!!!! All the answers to your questions can be found with very little research.... I challenge all of us to do our own research and formulate our own opinions!!! Quit taking someone else's word and trust your own!!! What does it state in the Bible about the Anti-Christ???? Might sound a little familiar...OK OK I'm off my soap box...